OUr story
With the rise of hateful and vitriolic language and action in this country since the 2016 election, three women wanted to create a project to demonstrate peace and commonalities between us, to try to bridge the divide. Rohina Malik, a Muslim woman, playwright and storyteller, Susan Stone, a Jewish woman and storyteller and Kim Schultz, who is an actor and storyteller who identifies as Christian came up with an idea: what if we all told stories from our faiths with the goal of bringing people together and showing peace, curiosity and similarities amongst the faiths. KEEPING FAITH: SISTERS OF STORY was born. We hope you agree that now more than ever, we need to come together and decide who we are going to be as a community and as a nation and how we are going to allow our story to be told.
Each storyteller tells 3 stories inspired by their personal faith journey. We are often joined by a cultural musical storyteller, Lucia Thomas, on violin, oud and guitar.
We hope you will join us at a performance and share in our story.
Each storyteller tells 3 stories inspired by their personal faith journey. We are often joined by a cultural musical storyteller, Lucia Thomas, on violin, oud and guitar.
We hope you will join us at a performance and share in our story.